Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Stop with the "Is this news" crap!!!!

Don't you hate it when your phone rings and you:
- are sleeping
- are ready to enjoy the your "kick-ass" lunch you made.
- are about to go to the restroom.
- realize you need to take a nap.

In all these events, you'll question, "Should I pick up the phone now or have the answer machine answer? What if it's an emergency? WHAT IF?" You'll get up, pick up the reciever and find out its your local newspaper calling with their crappiest deal ever!

Despite the number of times I said I'm not interested and please remove me from your calling list, they will tend to disturb me over and over again. But here's the question, "Why should I pay for something that I can get for free online?"

All the sections of the newspaper are posted online and what I like about it is the comments section at the end of the news stories. It's interesting to see what people say. What I found absurd and disturbs the hell out of me is the "Is this news?" comment.

Seriously, "Is this news?" Well, is it? It is certainly a fine piece of article of information based on a certain event that had taken place today. It was either informative, entertaining, disturbing, or don't really know. Maybe we should ask someone who reads real "news."

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