Sunday, October 19, 2008

A tout a l'heure it was indeed

A tout a l'heure it was indeed
Wow, it's been about five months since I posted and many things had happened. Hmm...well, all I can say are these to sum up the highlights:
- The stock market needs a CPR.
- I didn't know that Obama and McCain are "funny".
- Sarah Palin should be given an award for inspiring SNL to become funny again. Oh, and one for the screwed up economy (watch the "Macgyver" parody on SNL called "McGruber" in 10/18/08 epsiode).
- Joe "The Plummer" isn't really a plummer and one that certainly does not represent me.
- $720 billion bailout for stupidity. Are you f*(%*@(# kidding me?
- The McCain campagin should offer free History and etiqutte courses in their rallies for its supporters.
- Did Suze Orman escape from the Wax Musuem?

I'm sure there are more, but it's too late to list them. It's late and I need to go to sleep.

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