Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Not impressed with Palin on SNL

Among the McCain-Obama campaign, Colin Powell's endorsment, and Joe The Plummer headlines, national news stations continue to talk about Sarah Palin's appearance on Saturday Night Live (SNL). The much anticipated appearance didn't turn out the way most people expected: Fake Palin vs. Real Palin.

Sarah Palin's appearance generated the highest ratings for SNL since 1994. However, her part in the show was a big flop. I felt the show would've been great the way it did without Palin's appearance as she has done nothing. I felt that she was forced to be there and try to be "cool" with what they do. Hey, they are getting popular now with the Palin skits, right? So no big deal, hopefully it will help her campagin. Not so sure about that.

I was hoping that Sarah Palin and Tina Fey would come face to face and maybe have a competition like jeapordy or something, you know, testing their IQ. Isn't her ignorance the big joke? I would've called the skit, "The battle of Palin vs. Palin". They just walked past each other. What the hell was that???? It was the WEAKEST opening ever. Sure, I'll give Palin points for being at SNL where mostly everyone is against her but was it funny: No.

I really enjoyed the rap song during the "Weekend Update" segment. I thought that very pregnant Amy Poehler did an amazing job and I cared less for Palin rocking out to the music. Who from SNL's big brains okayed this? Icertainly don't think that her throwing her hands into the air is cute. It would've been funny if Amy or Seth Meyers called Tina Fey as Palin to sing the song. Now that would be interesting.

SNL played it safe, maybe too safe for this politician. We'll I guess the Palin jokes end now.

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