Wednesday, September 1, 2010

June, I'm glad to see you.

I am completely blank. I have the urge to blog tonight. It's 3:18am Sunday and it's Ramadan. Yes, almost 10 days left to go and September is around the corner.

It's a pretty interesting year. Nothing exciting happened but it went by awfully fast. Yes, for the first time, I have a hard time keeping track of days. I know it's Monday, then magically we are jumped to Thursday, you get home and it's the weekend (which is short too). Here, at this hour, watching "Staying Alive" starring John Travolta, which I can say it's awfully bad too. Oh my, what's this dance?!?!

The 80's. The years of reinvention. The year where "Step-Up" was breakdancing. It's the era of self discovery through base filled music and rave like dancing and colorful fashion.

Oh wow. The blog was in the draft file for almost three months, got around to it last week and here I am tonight writing. It's 2:35 am. I washed my hair two hours ago and it dried and I haven't combed it yet. It's crazy frizzy curly now and I have work tomorrow. Booooooooo.

It's September 1!!!!! Wow, a new month. I am making some serious changes to my lifestyle. I am going to eat healthier and most importantly, exercise. YES!!! We have a treadmill that I have used once since it entered our house a year and a half ago. I seriously need to get in shape to be able to wear all my clothes again and be healthier. I want to get rid of this weight I carried which reminds me of the dark days I had two years ago (unemployment and loss of a family member). ENOUGH!!!!!

It's not easy. It's really hard to do that but I am committed. I've tried to change my lifestyle into being me again by going back to school. Graduate school. But honestly, I can't afford it and don't like debt.  I don't need bigger financial burden. My original plan was to move to L.A. and I can't because I help out my family and without having a job first. I am not some wild child who would abandon her family as they are struggling. I can if I want to but I don't want to and I can if I land an amazing job opportunity first, then everything will be ok.  Moving without a job, I can't.  I am not that type of person. I've been raised better. I am just hoping that whatever sacrifices I am making, God will have a better plan for me. Maybe it's for the better ( I need to think positive).

So here I am canceling my Graduate school plans and looking for better jobs in the Bay Area and L.A., which by the way I've been doing for a long time. It's hard. Oh God it's hard!

I have planned to take a writing class that may help me step away from the environment I am in. To help turn on this dusted light bulb on my head. I hardly picked up a book to read for sometime. Also, I have a hard time writing in general: poetry, script, blog, etc. I used to write lots of poetry.  We'll see how that goes.

In that note, I need to go eat something before I sleep. I'll go with my wild crazyfrizzycurly hair like that to work. A new way to start the new me. Welcome, September. You better be nice to me.

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