Saturday, March 13, 2010

My Former "Celebrity" Boyfriends

My sister and I had a conversation about my former boyfriends in the kitchen as I was busy preparing my dinner and she's making her tea.

So how did this conversation start? She was telling me about Leonardo Dicaprio and his girlfriend Bar Rafaeli. Here is the history:

I dated Leondardo Dicaprio in 1997 but after several months broke up. Justin Timberlake and I met and we dated for few years then we went to our separate ways. I went out with James Blunt on couple of dates, yes, as my sister has said, he was my rebound boyfriend in 06. Then last year, I met Robin Thicke. No, I am not in a relationship with him. He is a really good friend even though my sister thinks the opposite. He has a beautiful wife and is about to have a little boy. No...he is my good friend. So now...I am single and still friends with all of them.

So after the minute and a half conversation, we both went to the leaving room and enjoyed our dinner and watched some TMZ then the "Karaoke" Idol.

Look what so called "celebrity crush" does to a person. Such a high school thing to do. I'm so over it!

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