Monday, April 28, 2008

Is Hannah Montana's Miley Cyrus to blame?

Kids love her. They follower her. Hell, they might have even built secret cults to worship her. The tweeny goddess, Hannah Montana's Miley Cyrus, is in the news again. "Miley Cyrus Apologizes" the headlines read. I thought she was apologizing for her personal photos that were leaked online though it has not been confirmed that the photos are hers. No. She was apologizing for the "artistic" and "scandalous" photos that were taken for Vanity Fair magazine in which her father was present to participate in a father and daughter photo shoot.

Reality check - Ms. Cyrus is fifteen years old and like any other fifteen year olds she makes mistakes (yet not a mistake at the same time). However, what I don't believe that this fifteen year old had actually made the decision to take a photo bearing her back. In the business world, a child under the age of eighteen can not make any decisions for herself without the approval of her agent and parents. Three adults!!!! ...if not more. And not even one thought about how these artistic photos will ruin her squeaky clean image. Umm....Dad, don't you know about the importance of image in this industry??? You should probably consider firing her agent.

Never mess with Disney's fans!

What people should question is not how she is or is not a good role model for their children but the fact how her her parents allowed her to go forward with these photos. "She's becoming like Lindsey and Britney," one woman said in a television news segment.

Miley Cyrus should not be put in the hot seat. Her parents, especially dad Billy Ray Cyrus and agent, should make a statement on how they have made a wrong decision. Her fans, whose ages range from preschool to 16 years old, may not understand the artistic side of the Vanity Fair photos. Let me correct myself: Parents are most likely to not understand since children are more of a carbon copy machine anyway.

So to the parents of Miley Cyrus, stop pointing the finger at her and have her take all the blame. Oh, I doesn't really matter since she is cashing in tons of moolahs out of these kids. Riiiighhhht.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

American Idol Resigns

I've always been a fan of "American Idol". However, with this year's poor choice of contestants, I came to the conclusion that the producers are giving us a hint: It's the end of "American Idol".

I don't know if all the people voting at home have some issues with their expensive big plasmas and LCD's, if not, old television sets. Seriously, what are you hearing, America? There are only four that I thought were good and two got eliminated. I actually stopped watching this show two months ago. Last night, I was visiting my cousin and saw the horrific performances. I immediately knew who were going to be at the bottom two...."Forgetful" Brooke White and "Blue Eyed Dreaklocks" Jason Castro.

Well, I waited for the results online and shockingly found out that Carly Smithson and Sayesha Mercado were in the bottom two. Umm.....come again??? True what Randy said, it's turning to a popularity contest or what I'd like to call the "High School Musical Idol Edition".

In the end, I am predicting that David Cook and Sayesha will be the top two and I really don't care who the third person will be. So America, go fix your TV sets ASAP and start listening.

New yet not so new

ahhhh. There's nothing better than a fresh clean smell of a new blog page. So empty so clean, fearing for words to destroy its innocence. Though, there's nothing more exciting and traumatizing than the thousands of letters running through one's head when it comes to writing his/her first entry.

And now, I really don't know what to say. I'm sick. I am down with flu and with an annoying cough that makes me sound like an old man, more like a women who spent the whole day smoking a pack of cigarettes (FYI - I do not smoke). It's the damn weather changing from hot to cold to warm to cold again, sort of reminds me of our unstable economy. Agh! Look at me talking about economy! It is sadly in a bad state. Forget about clipping coupons, and shopping at cheaper stores for food since prices are high everywhere. In midst of all this, we are being entertained by two democratic presidential hopefuls.

Guess what time it is? Time for me to go to sleep.